Item Name Type Tier Date
Pattern: Empyral Breeching of Extended Fervor Item FABLED 2020-07-09 03:34:10
Icon of the Overfiend Item LEGENDARY 2020-04-29 04:45:51
Galorian Wristguard Armor FABLED 2020-08-03 03:53:05
Shadowchain Boots Pattern of the Deathless Item FABLED 2020-04-09 04:03:13
Obscura-weave Shoes of Enlightenment Armor FABLED 2020-07-13 03:33:28
Shadowguarded Vambrace of the Deathless Armor FABLED 2020-04-23 04:22:30
Spire Lord's Ire Item LEGENDARY 2020-04-09 04:03:13
Amulet of Dark and Secret Things Armor FABLED 2020-04-16 04:22:27
Empyral Rune: Foundation of Earth Item FABLED 2020-10-19 03:15:01
Affixed Shadestrike Bracers of Evasion Armor FABLED 2020-06-04 04:37:14
Shadowstrike Bracers Pattern of Evasion Item FABLED 2020-04-02 04:12:41
Pattern: Empyral Barding of Striking Item FABLED 2020-05-19 04:41:32
Shadowchain Chain Boots of Enlightenment Armor FABLED 2020-04-29 04:45:51
Empyral Rune: Firmament of Fire Item FABLED 2020-08-19 21:11:24
Shadowguarded Vambrace of Enlightenment Armor FABLED 2020-08-05 21:02:47
Empyral Rune: Foundation of Excitement Item FABLED 2020-04-23 04:22:30
Empyral Rune: Firmament of Power Item FABLED 2020-08-13 03:32:20
Shadowmail Boots Pattern of Destruction Item FABLED 2020-04-09 04:03:13
Empyral Rune: Symphony of the Void Item LEGENDARY 2020-06-24 03:06:30
Empyral Rune: Foundation of Thought Item FABLED 2020-04-01 03:53:16
Empyral Ancient Crit Bonus Infuser Item LEGENDARY 2020-07-28 03:44:20
Shield of Faith VIII (Master) Spell Scroll FABLED 2020-07-13 03:33:28
Shadowborn Bracers of Enlightenment Armor FABLED 2020-05-28 03:59:30
Shadowmail Boots Pattern of the Deathless Item FABLED 2020-04-07 04:08:05
Empyral Rune of Expedience Item FABLED 2020-08-17 03:42:25
Affixed Shadestrike Bracers of Destruction Armor FABLED 2020-05-19 04:41:32
Empyral Rune: Blinding Gleam Item FABLED 2020-06-04 04:37:14
Shadowchain Boots Pattern of Destruction Item FABLED 2020-04-14 05:43:52
Empyral Rune: Adamant Defiance Item FABLED 2020-04-02 04:12:41
Empyral Ancient Ability Mod Infuser Item LEGENDARY 2020-04-23 04:22:30
Shadowforged Vanguard Bracers Pattern of Destruction Item FABLED 2020-04-02 04:12:40
Pattern: Sambata Shoes of Striking Item MYTHICAL 2020-06-26 03:32:58
Affixed Shadestrike Bracers of Enlightenment Armor FABLED 2020-04-21 05:42:07
Leaven Scalemail Chain Boots of the Deathless Armor FABLED 2020-04-16 04:22:27
Shadowforged Vanguard Vambrace of the Deathless Armor FABLED 2020-05-07 06:23:52
Shadowforged Vanguard Vambrace of Evasion Armor FABLED 2020-04-21 05:42:07
Empyral Rune: Astral Dominion Item FABLED 2020-07-09 03:34:10
Shadowborn Bracers of Evasion Armor FABLED 2020-05-07 06:23:52
Illegible Scroll: Brittle Armor II (Master) Item FABLED 2020-08-11 03:58:31
Leaven Scalemail Chain Boots of Enlightenment Armor FABLED 2020-05-19 04:41:32
Empyral Rune: Ascension of Life Item FABLED 2020-10-08 03:40:03
Shadowbolt Shoes of the Deathless Armor FABLED 2020-06-14 11:55:14
Shadowbolt Boots Pattern of Enlightenment Item FABLED 2020-04-14 05:43:52
Shadowbolt Shoes of Enlightenment Armor FABLED 2020-06-26 03:32:58
Shadowguarded Vambrace of Destruction Armor FABLED 2020-05-18 04:23:46
Defile VI (Master) Spell Scroll FABLED 2020-05-14 03:21:56
Lost Akhevan Pendant Armor FABLED 2020-04-01 03:53:16
Leaven Scalemail Chain Boots of Destruction Armor FABLED 2020-05-07 06:23:52
Sacrarium Stirrup Recipes Recipe Book TREASURED 2020-04-16 04:22:27
Affixed Shadestrike Bracers of the Deathless Armor FABLED 2020-07-28 03:44:20
Shadowchain Chain Boots of Destruction Armor FABLED 2020-05-14 03:21:56
Plated Shadestriker's Bracers Pattern of Evasion Item FABLED 2020-04-01 03:53:16
Medal of the Sambata Champion Armor FABLED 2020-04-02 04:12:41
Empyral Rune: Firmament of Growth Item FABLED 2020-08-25 04:09:04
Shadowforged Vanguard Bracers Pattern of Enlightenment Item FABLED 2020-04-09 04:03:13
Mutant's Unruly Bangle Armor FABLED 2020-04-14 05:43:52
Shadowborn Bracers of the Deathless Armor FABLED 2020-08-13 03:32:20
Wrath Stance X (Celestial) Spell Scroll CELESTIAL 2020-04-09 04:03:13
Shadowborn Bracers of Destruction Armor FABLED 2020-04-16 04:22:27
Shadowforged Vanguard Vambrace of Enlightenment Armor FABLED 2020-06-24 03:06:30
Empyral Ancient Potency Infuser Item LEGENDARY 2020-08-03 03:53:05
Obscura-weave Shoes of the Deathless Armor FABLED 2020-04-16 04:22:27
Lucid Shard of Dawn Item FABLED 2020-06-26 03:32:58
Illegible Scroll: Accretion (Master) Item FABLED 2020-08-18 03:57:22
Empyral Rune: Chorus of Night Item LEGENDARY 2020-04-21 05:42:07
Shadowforged Vanguard Bracers Pattern of the Deathless Item FABLED 2020-04-01 03:53:16
Empyral Rune: Ascension of Love Item FABLED 2020-08-25 02:45:30
Champion's Necklace of Lost Souls Armor FABLED 2020-05-14 03:21:56
Illegible Scroll Page: Terrene Destruction (Master) Item FABLED 2020-06-04 04:37:14
Shadowforged Vanguard Vambrace of Destruction Armor FABLED 2020-04-16 04:22:27
Empyral Rune: Ascension of Destruction Item FABLED 2020-08-10 03:09:48
Shadowchain Chain Boots of the Deathless Armor FABLED 2020-07-20 21:37:58
Shadowbolt Shoes of Destruction Armor FABLED 2020-04-21 05:42:07
Shadowchain Boots Pattern of Enlightenment Item FABLED 2020-04-02 04:12:41
Obscura-weave Shoes of Destruction Armor FABLED 2020-06-24 03:06:30
Galorian Veil Armor FABLED 2020-04-14 05:43:52
Empyral Ancient Stamina Infuser Item LEGENDARY 2020-04-02 04:12:41
Empyral Rune: Adamant Resolve Item FABLED 2020-05-07 06:23:52
Pattern: Empyral Barding of Bolstering Item FABLED 2020-06-14 11:55:14
Shadowstrike Bracers Pattern of the Deathless Item FABLED 2020-04-01 03:53:16
Shadowborn Bracers Pattern of Enlightenment Item FABLED 2020-04-01 03:53:16
Plated Shadestriker's Bracers Pattern of Destruction Item FABLED 2020-04-01 04:39:29
Charm of the Blasted Land Armor FABLED 2020-05-14 03:21:56
Plated Shadestriker's Bracers Pattern of Enlightenment Item FABLED 2020-04-07 04:08:05
Shadowweaver's Boots Pattern of Destruction Item FABLED 2020-04-02 04:12:41
Shadowguarded Vambrace of Evasion Armor FABLED 2020-04-21 05:42:07
Empyral Rune: Firmament of Passion Item FABLED 2020-05-19 04:41:32
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