Npc Submissions
a tainted maiden 18
a withered bramble 3
a Darkflight reaper 15
a Darkflight witch 10
a shadow hound 10
a Stone Hive guardian 5
a lamia deathcaller 40
a tainted nymph 15
a lamia savage 35
a lamia soulsiren 26
a shadowed halfling 21
a nightblood shadowrage 32
a carnivorous ripper 4
an undertow puppet 28
a nightblood harrower 48
a nightblood tormentor 24
a Stone Hive worker 4
a tainted nymph seedling 3
a rabid hound 15
a Deathfist marauder 10
Deputy Strongroot 1
a field fright 9
a nightblood firefury 39
Alegos the Betrayer 5
a corrupted brigand 24
a carnivorous hound 3
a corrupted thief 15
Sheriff Anrey Scarfoot 1
a bramble beast 4
a desecrated vale oak 10
a wax worker 2
a corrupted bandit 34
a rabid jaggedtooth 6
a deceptive thief 8
a Darkflight deathwisher 17
a defiled oak maiden 4
The Oak Matriarch 10
a Darkflight painweaver 30
Hammerthorn 11
a desecrated vale sapling 10
Ground Spawn 23
Shakey 29
a fetid blightrat 10
a blightrat 16
a young blightrat 8
a vale deer 4
a vale nymph 3
a vale maiden 7
Mangler 18
a blightrat avenger 6
a rabid pup 15
a snapjaw blightrat 2
a direwolf 2
a marshal moppet 3
Blightwhip 10
The Overfiend 26
Valerunner 3
Thorpe 1
a crazed thief 4
a lamia assassin 7
a vale nymph seedling 6
The Dusk Maiden 7
Willowmaw the Rotting 22
a corrupted tailor 4
Borbin the Prevailer 4
Grumblerutt 1
Merchant Rosewood 3
Merchant Alefirst 2
Deputy Guraffin 1
a maiden of midnight 5
a lamia medicia 2
a lamia oppressor 4
a carnivorous feeder 2
a vale temptress 6
a deputy moppet 2
a peculiar chest 3
a corrupted merchant 1
Demeroth the Gnawer 2
Xelindros the Fearbringer 11
Deputy Crookfellow 1
Deputy Hawkeye 1
Deputy Spurrfire 1
a bramble terror 1
Rukir Pineleaf 1
a corrupted attendant 2
Asajj An'duuth 6
Ethruia Aj'dora 5
a lamia intimidator 3
Merrin Northfield 1
Ssilth Rageclaw 1
Historian Elderoak 1
a wicked assassin 1
a vale destroyer 1
a Demented Alchemist 7
Korav Traxul 1
Nerrith Underroot 1
Nillipuss 1
Fizzlethorpe Bristlebane 1
a Deranged Tailor 1
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