Npc Submissions
a Doomwing marauder 36
a Doomwing warrior 44
a wasteland strider 24
Shissa the Ashweaver 10
a muck abomination 2
a Vornerus prowler 42
The Vornerus Tyrant 33
a Vornerus hiveward 50
The Hierodule 24
a Vornerus drone 12
a Vornerus hivesister 20
an ashengaze basilisk 42
a Doomwing agent 41
a Doomwing dracomagus 18
a Doomwing excavator 30
a fetidthorn horror 16
a Vornerus screamer 18
a Blackscale precursor 34
The King of Balefires 7
a cacotoxic abomination 8
Haraghur the Deathless 27
a deathless monitor 10
Dracomancer Vandalix 16
a Doomwing dragonspawn 9
a Vornerus stalker 29
Bihmar Finklestar 3
a Vornerus defender 35
a Doomwing ambusher 4
a nocturnal hunter 4
a draconic homunculi 2
The Reclaimer Manikin 8
Ancient Unbound Abomination 13
a Quellithulian abomination 8
Akharu the Remembrancer 3
an untamed drake 8
Bashir the Dracologist 7
Ground Spawn 83
a Quellithulian occultist 9
a Quellithulian theurgist 9
a Humator swarmer 12
a Humator defender 14
a Humator director 5
The Acrid Mother 15
a Humator ambusher 11
a corpse flame 2
a Humator stalker 14
a Humator hiveward 16
a Humator hivemind 13
a Humator hivesister 6
a Humator drone 2
a Blackscale guardian 30
a Blackscale chaplain 27
a corpse candle 8
a Blackscale dracomancer 3
a soul feaster 11
The Carnovingian 21
an undying dracomagus 5
an undying warrior 11
The Carrion Mandragora 11
Gloom 9
an earthen manifestation 13
a lesser earthen manifestation 15
a carrion mandrake 1
a fetidthorn wraith 5
The Umbral Keeper 8
Bearer of the Carpus 10
Bearer of the Crux 9
Bearer of Gore 12
The Barbed Duke 10
The Mutagenic Outcast 22
The Ravaging Maw 10
Shade of Ghazi 3
a swarmer drone 1
an undying marauder 9
Xalazalag 6
The Humator Harridan 3
a Blackscale terror 9
a Quellithulian cenobite 8
Tiaz'tar 4
Spawn of Humator 3
a Doomwing lookout 1
a Humator colonizer drone 1
a Humator eggbearer 1
a mutagenic bodyswarmer 1
a mutagenic spiritswarmer 1
Earthlord Abnu'kal 4
a rumbling tide walker 4
a riled grime fury 5
an elemental tempest 2
an enraged mantle walker 5
an enraged stonespren 1
a riled storm rumbler 1
a Humator colonizer 1
a thrashing spirit 2
Keedbit Wonhoney 1
Blacked 1
Illilllilillil 1
Jauki 1
Bonkmathter 1
Derpindaisy 1
Stodbrurn 1
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